Thanks, For Booking with
Leaf Root & Fruit
To confirm your booking
please pay the session fee of $200

Frequently Asked Questions
Will you provide me with a written report?
To keep the costs of this service as low as possible, we do not provide written reports or follow up notes. Instead, we encourage you to take your own notes during the visit.
What happens if it rains?
We conduct our site visits regardless of the weather. Heavy rain or windy days provide great opportunities for us to analyse how the site performs under these conditions!
Can I book you in for a two hour consult to help me prune my fruit trees?
Certainly. However, please book in for our Fruit Tree Pruning Masterclass instead of the Gardening Advice Session. This ensures that we bring the correct equipment and provide you with our comprehensive booklet on fruit tree pruning.
What happens if I need to reschedule the visit?
If you reschedule the booking up to one day before the meeting time, your reschedule fee will be 20.00 AUD. If you reschedule the booking within one day of the meeting time, your reschedule fee will be 40.00 AUD. The payment will be collected offline.
If I decide to go ahead with having some garden beds installed after getting your advice, will my $200 get refunded?
The profit margins on our garden beds and other gardening services are quite slim, so we are unable to discount the site consult fee from the cost of the garden bed. However, we will subtract the $200 cost for the visit from the cost of a full permaculture design as this can be the first step in the design process.