I recently had the good fortune to be a guest speaker and participate in the Macedon Ranges Food Forum. It was a great event and I’ve come away all inspired to help drive some positive change in my local community. You can download and read the report here.
One of the big gaps that the forum highlighted was a lack of connectivity. There’s plenty of great stuff happening in the Macedon Ranges to do with growing, sharing, preparing and eating food. But there is a lack of awareness of all these great things going on.
My role in life is a connector. That’s what I do.
This page is all about connection. I’m building a network of people and organisations doing great things in the Macedon Ranges. I thought I’d start with this list. It’s directory of all the amazing organisations, groups and events that I could think of. At some point I’ll migrate it across to it’s own dedicated website. But let’s keep it simple (and achievable) for now.

Let’s work together to make it comprehensive, to keep it updated and relevant.
What or who have I missed? Please let me know of anything else that’s happening in the Macedon Ranges that needs to be included. Send your inclusions to duncan@LeafRootFruit.com.au
It is anticipated that we will soon be running various networking events for the group. So I’ve also set up a Mailchimp account to start compiling a mailing list.
Please add your name or to the list and share this page to encourage others to do so.

Food swaps
Kyneton Backyard Growers Every Sunday 10 to 12
Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group food Swaps
First Saturday of the month: Woodend Community Farmers’ Market
Second Saturday of the month: Kyneton Farmers’ Market
Third Sunday of the month: Malmsbury Village Farmers’ Market
Fourth Saturday of the month: Lancefield Farmers’ Market
Farmers markets
Neighbourhood houses
Kyneton Community House
Kyneton community house has a community garden, runs a garden club and courses in growing food. Kyneton Community house has a Good Food Hub where they host their community lunches every Wednesday during school term.
W: https://www.kynetoncommunityhouse.org.au/
Woodend Neighbourhood House
Woodend neighbourhood house hosts classes and workshops and run a local food bank. The neighbourhood house also run Community lunches on Tuesday at the Woodend RSL.
W: https://www.woodendnh.org.au/
Macedon Ranges Further Education Centre
Offering a range of educational and recreational activities locally across Gisborne and the Macedon Ranges
Lancefield Neighbourhood House
Runs Feed it Forward Lunches and the Lancefield Farmers’ Market.
W: https://lancefield.neighbourhoodhouse.org/
Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House
Runs workshops and classes
Romsey Neighbourhood House
Hosts a food share, runs various classes and have a carpark community garden.
Macedon and Mount Macedon Community House
Run classes about permaculture and growing food.
Community gardens
Food Banks
Groups and meetups
Kyneton Permaculture at the Pub
Meets on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.
Email kynetonpermacultureatthepub@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list and find out which pub to head to
Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group
Home to a number of community action groups made up of dedicated individuals working together to make the Macedon Ranges a more sustainable place to live.
W: https://mrsg.org.au/who-are-we
Groups within the Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group:
Social media groups
Businesses related to food growing
Leaf, Root & Fruit
Permaculture, food growing and garden advice. Support, workshops, garden consultations and guest speaking.
Waggle and Forage
Beekeeping supplies